Child/Youth Counselling

Children/Youth Counselling donation

Desert Sun operates three counselling programs for children aged 3 to 18. Counselling is provided free of charge on a self-referral or parent/teacher referral basis.

  • Counselling in local schools: we work with School District 53 and the Osoyoos Indian Band (OIB) to provide one-on-one child and youth counselling in schools in our area, in order to help children and youth navigate mental health challenges, trauma, gender identity questions, peer challenges,  and/or other stresses.
  • PEACE Program: The Prevention, Education, Advocacy, Counselling and Empowerment (PEACE) Program is a free, confidential program for children and youth aged 3 to 18 who have experienced violence. For more information click here.


For more information

Call the Desert Sun office at 250 498 2538

School District 53

Osoyoos Indian Band

Resources for this program

BC Legal Aid
BC Nurses Line

811- is a free of charge provincial health information and advice phone line available in BC.

Community Health Centres

250 498 5080 (Oliver)

250 495 6433 (Osoyoos)